Areas of Further Research
(based on the observations of the project researcher)
One of the biggest takeaways from this research project is that the current research on Asian American women is lacking. Almost all of the sources used compared Asian American women to white American women, reinforcing the experiences of white American women are the standard. If there’s anything this project is supposed to highlight, it is that Asian American women’s experiences are independent of white Americans and that constant comparison between white American women and Asian American women is inherently harmful. Research institutions should recognize and understand that Asian American women are their own entity influenced by American media rather than white American media.
Another area of data collection that needs to be further explored is research on different ethnic groups with Asian Americans. Finding scholarly articles that independently looked at Americans who identify as Chinese, Filipina, Indian, and Korean was difficult. This project shows that though there are some commonalities between Asian American women, ethnic breakdowns present independent aspects of cultures and ethnic features that create changes within ethnic communities. More researchers must realize that grouping Asian Americans together without independent analysis of each ethnic culture leads to harmful generalizations of Asian Americans, specifically Asian American women. Additionally, looking at Asian Americans as a group tends to mean that East Asian Americans (Chinese Americans, Korean Americans, and Japanese Americans) are oversampled, and their experiences become what researchers may believe to be the universal Asian American experience. Different ethnic breakdowns have different experiences, and it is important to highlight those independent experiences.